Bayesian de-mixing on CFO-BFO FORC-IV data. Top row are de-mixed vectors for the 0%, 58%, and 87% humidity; middle row are loading maps for the 87% humidity; and bottom row are loadings for the 0% humidity. (a) Island conductivity Bayesian de-mixed component for the 0%, 58%, and 87% humidity. (b) Inner island conductivity Bayesian de-mixed component for the 0%, 58%, and 87% humidity. (c) BFO matrix conductivity Bayesian de-mixed component for the 0%, 58%, and 87% humidity. (d) Interfacial conductivity between the CFO and BFO matrix Bayesian de-mixed component for the 0%, 58%, and 87% humidity. (e) Island conductivity loading map for the 87% humidity. (f) Inner island conductivity loading map for the 87% humidity. (g) BFO matrix conductivity loading map for the 87% humidity. (h) Interfacial conductivity loading map between the CFO and BFO matrix at 87% humidity. (i) Island conductivity loading map for the 0% humidity. (j) Inner island conductivity loading map for the 0% humidity. (k) BFO matrix conductivity loading map for the 0% humidity. (l) Interfacial conductivity loading map between the CFO and BFO matrix at 0% humidity.