Table 1.
Cognitive testing.
Subject 1 | Subject 2 | |||
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (laterality quotient, LQ)∗ | +90 | Right handed | +85 | Right handed |
Mini Mental State Examination | 30 | Normal | 30 | Normal |
Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia∗∗ | ||||
Non-word minimal pairs (n = 56) | 53 | Normal | 54 | Normal |
Word minimal pairs (n = 56) | 56 | Normal | 55 | Normal |
Auditory lexical decision | ||||
Word (n = 80) | 79 | Normal | 80 | Normal |
Non-word (n = 80) | 78 | Normal | 74 | Abnormal |
Repetition, syllable length (n = 24) | 24 | Normal | 23 | Normal |
Repetition: non-words (n = 24) | 22 | Normal | 22 | Normal |
Spoken word-picture matching (n = 40) | 40 | Normal | 39 | Normal |
Auditory sentence comprehension (n = 60) | – | Not tested | 56 | Normal |
Auditory sentence comprehension of locative relations (n = 24) | – | Not tested | 22 | Normal |
Digit production | 7 | Normal | 7 | Normal |
Boston Naming Test (short form, 15-items) | 14 | Normal | 15 | Normal |
Controlled Oral Word Association Task (FAS) | 42 | Normal (44.7 ± 11.2†) | 43 | Normal (44.7 ± 11.2†) |
Semantic fluency (animal naming) | 22 | Normal (21.9 ± 5.4†) | 23 | Normal (21.9 ± 5.4†) |
Communicative Activity Log | ||||
Frequency (maximum = 90) | 42 | Impaired | 70 | Mildly impaired |
Quality (maximum = 90) | 53 | Impaired | 70 | Mildly impaired |
Trail Making Test | ||||
Part A (seconds) | 26 | Normal (24.40 ± 8.7§) | 34 | Normal (31.78 ± 9.93§) |
Part B (seconds) | 50 | Normal (50.68 ± 12.36§) | 59 | Normal (63.76 ± 14.42§) |
Test de Hayling | ||||
Part A | ||||
Latency (seconds) | 17.5 | Normal (12.6 ± 6.5ƪ) | 19.95 | Normal (12.6 ± 6.5ƪ) |
Part B | ||||
Latency (seconds) | 22 | Normal (26.4 ± 19.5ƪ) | 64.1 | Abnormal (26.4 ± 19.5ƪ) |
B-A latencies | 4.5 | Normal (13.8 ± 16.3ƪ) | 44.15 | Abnormal (13.8 ± 16.3ƪ) |
Error score (unrelated, %) | 80% | Normal (83.3%ƪ) | 20% | Abnormal (83.3 %ƪ) |
Stroop color-word test (T scores) | ||||
Color | 42 | Normal | 50 | Normal |
Word | 44 | Normal | 40 | Normal |
Color-word | 56 | Normal | 58 | Normal |
Interference | 62 | Normal | 62 | Normal |
Wechsler Memory Scale-III: Word list (scaled scored) | ||||
First recall (attention) | 9 | Average | 10 | Average |
Total recall | 8 | Average | 6 | Low average |
Rate of learning | 14 | Well above average | 8 | Average |
Short-term recall | 5 | Well below average | 10 | Average |
Long-term recall | 7 | Low average | 9 | Average |
Recognition | 10 | Average | 8 | Average |
Percentage of retention | 6 | Low average | 10 | Average |
Rey–Osterrieth complex figure | Percentil range¶ | Percentil range¶ | ||
Copy | 36 | >99 | 32 | 41–59 |
Delayed reproduction (40 min) | 12.5 | 19–28 | 9 | 11–18 |
∗Caplan and Mendoza, 2011; ∗∗Valle and Cuetos, 1995; †Normative data from Tombaugh et al., 1999; § Normative data from Tombaugh, 2004; ƪNormative data from Burgess and Shallice, 1996; ¶Peña-Casanova et al., 2009.