Table 2.
Parameters for the full model simulation presented in Fig. 4
Parameter | Value | Description | Reference |
Input | |||
Wext | See methods | Input current weights | N/A |
σext | 5 mV/R | Input current variability | N/A |
MC | |||
τMC | 5 ms−1 | MC membrane time constant | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
τAMPA1,MC | 1 ms−1 | MC AMPA rise time | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
τAMPA2,MC | 2 ms−1 | MC AMPA decay time | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
EAMPA | 0 mV | MC AMPA reversal potential | Brunel and Wang (2003) |
τMC | 0.5 ms−1 | MC GABA rise time | Brunel and Wang (2003) |
τMC | 5 ms−1 | MC GABA decay time | Brunel and Wang (2003) |
EGABA | −80 mV | GABA reversal potential | Cang and Isaacson (2003) |
Vrest,MC | −70 mV | MC resting potential | de Almeida et al. (2013)* |
Vth,MC | −63 mV | MC firing threshold | Cang and Isaacson (2003) |
Vhyper | −80 mV | MC/GCD hyperpolarization potential | de Almeida et al. (2013)* |
WGABA,MC | 0.0125 | MC GABA inhibitory weight | N/A (varied in Figs. 6 and 8) |
GCD | |||
τGC | 5 ms−1 | GCD membrane time constant | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
τAMPA1,GC | 1 ms−1 | GCD AMPA rise time | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
τAMPA2,GC | 2 ms−1 | GCD AMPA decay time | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
τNMDA1,GC | 2 ms−1 | GCD NMDA rise time | N/A (varied in Fig. 9) |
τNMDA2,GC | 75 ms−1 | GCD NMDA decay time | N/A (varied in Fig. 9) |
τNmax,GC | 18 ms−1 | GCD N-type activation time constant | Amini et al. (1999) |
EAMPA | 0 mV | GC AMPA reversal potential | Brunel and Wang (2003) |
ENMDA | 0 mV | GC NMDA reversal potential | de Almeida et al. (2013) |
ECa(N) | ∼ 120 mV | GC N-type reversal potential | Calculated each time step |
[Ca]out | 1,500 μM | External Ca2+ concentration | Zeng et al. (2009) |
[Ca]th | 1.5 μM | Ca2+ threshold for maximum GABA release | N/A |
ρCa | 100 | Proportionality between ICa and [Ca2+] | N/A |
Vrest,GC | Varied | GCD resting potential | N/A (varied in most figures) |
WAMPA,GC | 0.03 | GCD AMPA excitatory weight | Cang and Isaacson (2003) |
WNMDA,GC | 0.04 | GCD NMDA excitatory weight | N/A (varied in Fig. 8) |
WN,GC | 250 | GCD N-type excitatory weight | N/A (varied in Fig. 8) |
Voltages are shifted down by −70 mV from de Almeida et al. (2013) but remain the same relative distance from each other. N/A, not applicable.