Re/Rh inactivation decreases hippocampal–prefrontal theta-phase coherence during choice-point traversals. A, Normalized theta-phase coherence (testing − baseline) was significantly <0 only during muscimol sessions and only during choice-point traversals (top). Normalized phase coherence did not significantly differ from zero for any other frequency band or at any other maze location (middle panels, stem traversals; bottom panels, start-box occupancy). B, Normalized theta-phase coherence at the choice point significantly differed between infusion conditions. C, Re/Rh inactivation caused theta-specific decreases in phase coherence during choice-point traversals (right), whereas no significant differences in theta-phase coherence were observed during no-infusion (left) and saline (middle) sessions. Reductions in theta coherence after Re/Rh inactivation peaked at ∼4 Hz and gradually declined until no significant differences were seen at ∼10 Hz. Thick lines indicate means; shaded areas indicate SEM. For A and B, error bars indicate means and 95% confidence intervals for 1-sample t tests with 0 null. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, n.s. = no significant main effect of infusion condition for repeated-measures ANOVA.