Figure 3.
The relative risk of a deleterious mutation on haplotypes that carry a male-beneficial vs. a female-beneficial sexually antagonistic allele. Results show the relative enrichment of a deleterious allele on haplotypes that carry the sexually antagonistic allele Am. The left panel shows the accumulation of a deleterious mutation with female-limited effect (tm = 0; tf = 0.1) under sexually symmetric mutation (uf = um = 10−5). The right panel shows the accumulation of a symmetrically deleterious mutation (tm = tf = 0.1) under male-biased mutation (uf = 10−5; um/uf = 8). Sexually antagonistic selection is symmetric between the sexes (sm = sf; qhap = qadd = qDR = 0.5). Each curve is based on the general equation (2) (with higher terms of δ included), and the haploid or diploid model expressions in equations (4) to (6). Triangles show the results of deterministic simulations under the haploid model of inheritance; circles show simulation results under diploid inheritance, for each of the dominance scenarios considered.