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. 2016 Aug 10;6:31271. doi: 10.1038/srep31271

Table 1. List of parameters.

Parameter Description Value
F Maximal rate of activation-dependent Ca2+ influx11 3,45 μM.s−1
Kr Half-saturation constant for agonist-dependent Ca2+ entry11 1,0 μM
GCa Whole-cell conductance for VOCCs11 0,036195 μM.mV−1.s1
Inline graphic Reversal potential for VOCCs 100,0 mV
Inline graphic Half-point of the VOCC activation sigmoidal11 −24,0 mV
RCa Maximum slope of the VOCC activation sigmoidal11 8,5 mV
GNa/Ca Whole-cell conductance for the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger11 0,006 μM.mV−1.s−1
cNa/Ca Half-point for activation of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger by Ca2+ 11 0,5 μM
vNa/Ca Reversal potential for the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger11 −30,0 mV
B SR uptake rate constant 2,025 μM.s−1
cb Half-point of the SR ATPase activation sigmoidal11 1,0 μM
C CICR rate constant11 1545,0 μM.s−1
sc Half-point of the CICR Ca2+ efflux sigmoidal11 2,0 μM
cc Half-point of the CICR activation sigmoidal11 0,9 μM
D Rate constant for Ca2+ extrusion by the ATPase pump11 3,6 s−1
vd Intercept of voltage dependence of extrusion ATPase −100,0 mV
Rd Slope of voltage dependence of extrusion ATPase11 250,0 mV
L Leak from SR rate constant11 0,375 s−1
γ Scaling factor relating net movement of ion fluxes11 492,5 mV.μM−1
  membrane potential (inversely related to cell capacitance)  
FNa/K Net whole-cell flux via the Na+-K+-ATPase11 0,03 μM.s−1
GCl Whole-cell conductance for Cl current11 0,6 μM.mV−1.s−1
cCl Ca2+ sensitivity for Cl channels11 0,7 μM
vCl Reversal potential for Cl channels11 −25,0 mV
GK Whole-cell conductance for K+ efflux11 0,045 μM.mV−1.s−1
vK Reversal potential for K+ 11 −94 mV
λ Rate constant for net KCa channel opening11 675
cw Translation factor for Ca2+ dependence of KCa11 0,0 μM
  channel activation sigmoidal11  
β Translation factor for the membrane potential dependence11 0,001 μM2
  of KCa channel activation sigmoidal11  
Inline graphic Half-point for the KCa channel activation sigmoidal11 −27,0 mV
RK Maximum slope of the KCa activation sigmoidal11 12,0 mV
Gback Whole-cell conductance for background currents40,41 0,0045 μM.mV−1.s−1
vrest Equilibrium potential11 −55,0 mV
k Rate constant of IP3 degradation11 0,1 s−1
g Electrical coupling coefficient11 1000 s−1