Table 1.
Classification of broad habitats used for the risk register based on the classification used in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. For some analyses, these habitat classifications may be too broad and so have been subdivided into meaningful habitat units
Broad habitat type | Component habitats | Scope |
Mountains, moorlands and heaths | Blanket bog | Rainfall‐fed bog in upland environments |
Mountains, moorlands and upland heaths | Upland heath, montane habitats and associated wetlands (flushes, fens). Also includes rock and scree habitats such as limestone pavements | |
Lowland heath | Lowland habitats dominated by heather family or dwarf gorse species | |
Semi‐natural grasslands | Semi‐natural grasslands | All grasslands unimproved for agricultural purposes. This includes a range of grassland types |
Enclosed farmland | Enclosed farmland | Arable, horticultural land and improved grassland as well as associated boundary features, for example hedgerows |
Woodlands | Woodlands | Includes broadleaved and coniferous woodlands both natural woods and planted (wet woodland is included here) |
Freshwaters | Standing open waters | Lakes and ponds (reservoirs and canals are considered to be manmade and therefore out of scope) |
Rivers and streams | Streams and rivers down to the tidal limit | |
Groundwaters | Aquifers and significant quantities of below‐ground water | |
Wetlands | Lowland fens, raised bogs, swamps, reedbeds and floodplain wetlands | |
Urban | Urban | The natural environment elements of built up areas, for example parks, gardens, towpaths, urban trees, sustainable urban drainage systems |
Coastal margins | Coastal dunes and sandy shores | Dune systems and the upper zone of sandy shores |
Saltmarsh | The upper zone of vegetated intertidal habitat – transition into other intertidal habitats | |
Transitional and coastal waters | Estuaries, coastal lagoons and other near‐shore waters | |
Marinea | Intertidal rock | Bedrock, boulders and cobbles which occur in the intertidal zone – colonized by mussels/barnacles and seaweeds depending on exposure |
Intertidal sediment | Shingle (mobile cobbles and pebbles), gravel, sand and mud in the intertidal zone | |
Subtidal rock | Bedrock, boulders and cobbles in the subtidal zone colonized by seaweeds (infralittoral zone) or animal communities (circalittoral zone) | |
Shallow subtidal sediment | Shingle (mobile cobbles and pebbles), gravel, sand and mud in the subtidal zone | |
Deep sea bed | The sea bed beyond the continental shelf break | |
Pelagic water column | The water column of shallow or deep sea; beyond the coastal waters |
The marine ‘land‐use type’ is based on EUNIS habitat classification and proposals for Marine Strategy Framework Directive reporting. These could be amalgamated to give: intertidal, subtidal, deep sea bed and pelagic.