Histology of Tesseraspis tesselata. NHM P.73617, SRXTM sections through an isosurface model of a tessera (A); SEM of the external surface morphology of a tessera, showing two distinct tubercle generations, specimen lost (B); etched SEM section through the enameloid capping layer of the superficial layer, specimen lost (C); NHM P.73617, SRXTM volume rendered transverse section through L2, showing the architecture of the intersecting radial walls (D); NHM P.73618, SEM BSE section through L2 showing truncated centripetal lamellae interpreted as resorption (E); volume rendered virtual thin sections of NHM P.73617 (F, G); transverse section through a radial wall of L2, showing the arrangement of thread‐like spaces (F); section through the dermal skeleton of a tessera, showing the arrangement of Sharpey's fibres in L3 (G). S.F., Sharpey's fibres. Scale bar equals 193 μm in (A), 628 μm in (B), 47 μm in (C), 124 μm in (D), 68 μm in (E), 64 μm in (F) and 230 μm in (G).