Figure 2.
Representative nucleotide and peptide sequences. (a) Nucleotide sequences flanking the proposed slippage sites in representative Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV)‐group sequences (GenBank accession numbers shown on left, species on right). Spaces separate polyprotein‐frame codons; pispo is in the +2 frame. The G2A6 sequence, where slippage is proposed to occur, is highlighted in orange. Numbers on the left indicate the genomic coordinates of the first nucleotide in each line. (b) Amino acid sequences of P1 and P1N‐PISPO in the Ruk73 isolate of SPFMV. The amino acids encoded at the slippage site are highlighted in orange. Sequences corresponding to the epitopes of the two polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) are highlighted in pale blue. GW/WG motifs are underlined. (c) Sequences of the epitopes against which the two pAbs were raised. Sequence differences from the Ruk73 isolate are highlighted in red. SPV2, Sweet potato virus 2; SPVC, Sweet potato virus C; SPVG, Sweet potato virus G.