Genetic distances among 10 nonnative red fox sampling sites estimated from 13 microsatellite loci (n = 349 foxes), including (A) an unrooted neighbor‐joining tree based on Nei's D
A with bootstrap support >65% indicated, and (B) principle coordinates (PCoA), including centroids and standard errors along two axes. Sampling sites were San Joaquin Valley (SJV) north (‐N) and south (‐S), Monterey (Mont), Morro Bay (MB), Santa Barbara (SB), Southern California (SO), Half Moon Bay (HMB), and the San Francisco Bay wetlands (SFB) south (‐S), east (‐E), and west (‐W). Samples were color‐coded for convenience to distinguish sites of the San Francisco Bay area (red), central coast (blue), inland (yellow), and south coast (green).