Table 1.
COPE Intervention Content by Visit and Discipline
Session number | Who | When | Content |
1 | OT | Within 7 days of baseline data collection | Introduce COPE program Introduce Caregiver Guide to Dementia Conduct Clinical Interview with Caregiver Conduct assessments with person with dementia: -Cognitive functioning - Executive function (CG report) Socialability (Comportment) Assess Caregiver Readiness to use new care strategies Assess caregiver Communications Teach caregiver simple stress reduction technique (e.g., breathing) |
2 | OT | Within 7 days of previous session | Review stress reduction Continue with Clinical Interview to identify and prioritize care challenges Continue with assessments of person with dementia and home environment |
3 | APRN | Between first and second OT sessions | Provide caregiver education about person with dementia: Pain Dehydration Infection Constipation Polypharmacy Talking to doctor Collect and test urine sample from person with dementia for evidence of infection Collect and test blood sample from person with dementia for abnormalities Discuss how caregiver can take care of him/her self Discuss how to talk to doctor and questions to ask |
4 | APRN | Telephone contact; within 2 days of Session #3 | Share laboratory results with and mail results to caregiver Encourage caregiver to contact primary care provider with any abnormal findings |
5 | OT | 1-2 weeks after previous OT session | Review stress reduction Deliver Assessment Report Problem Area 1 Problem-solving process Brainstorming process Provide 1 or 2 strategies to try |
6-10 | OT | Each session 1-2 weeks after previous session | Review stress reduction Problem solving and brainstorming for Problem Areas 2 and 3 (Sessions 6, 7) Introduce COPE Prescription – assess confidence (Sessions 6 through 9) Determine level of effectiveness using activity prescription – using Prescription Record (Sessions 7 through 10) |
11 | OT | 1-2 weeks after last session | Follow up on stress reduction Review ways to modify strategies when cognitive abilities change over time Review ways to simplify activities when cognitive abilities of the Person with Dementia change over time Model by identifying ways to simplify the activity Together simplify the activity Caregiver simplifies the activity on his/her own |
12 | OT | 1-2 weeks after last session | Review stress reduction Assess caregiver confidence for each Prescription If caregiver reports low confidence (≤5) using any one prescription, then troubleshoot and review specific strategies. If caregiver reports moderate to high confidence, validate how much the caregiver has learned and how well they are doing. Review ways to generalize strategies to new problem areas that may occur in the future Closure |