Table 2.
Immutable COPE Treatment Principles
1. Client-centered and client directed |
– Meeting the caregiver where they are |
– Working on areas of most concern to families |
– Tailoring to abilities of individuals with dementia |
2. Customized |
– Tailoring to abilities and interests of person with dementia |
– Tailoring education and strategies to caregiver readiness and identified problems |
– Consideration of environmental factors |
3. Culturally relevant |
– Strategies fit previous/current roles, habits and beliefs |
– Activities are meaningful |
4. Problem solving based |
– Identifying strategies and activities |
– Determining what works and what does not |
5. Actively engaged |
–Learning through doing |
6. Caregiver driven |
– modify delivery of intervention protocol if needed (e.g., phone vs home visit, or spend more time on one prescription versus another; however, ALWAYS adhere to Treatment Principles |