Figure 1. TINP interacting with light.
(a) The system studied: a spherical Bi2Se3 nanoparticle of radius R located at the origin is subject to an EM wave propagating along its c axis—. The collective response of the bulk states is described using the dielectric function
, whereas the surface states are treated quantum mechanically. (b) The dielectric function
of Bi2Se3 comprises two phonons at 2.0 (α) and 3.72 THz (β), as well as a contribution from bulk free charge carriers (f) at low frequencies25. (c) In the nanoparticle, the surface Dirac cone consists of discrete levels symmetrically placed with respect to the Dirac point (E=0)17. They have constant energy spacing A/R where A=3.0 eV·Å. An electron in a surface state couples to other states under the influence of light producing a time-dependent surface charge density. (d) The absorption cross-section of a bare nanoparticle (δR=0, blue dashed line) is dictated by the dielectric function of the material. It is modified when electrons occupy delocalized topological surface states (δR≠0, red solid line). The resultant spectrum contains an additional mode (SToP) and a zero in absorption (marked with an arrow).