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. 2016 Apr 8;30(8):1763–1766. doi: 10.1038/leu.2016.41

Table 1. Risk factors identified by IRR prediction model using the CLL11 data set.

Risk factor   ORa 95% CIa Significance retained with bootstrapping (10 000 simulations; %)
Randomization Obinutuzumab versus rituximab 8.4 5.2–13.4 100
CD20 MFIb expressed on CLL cells at baseline   3.5 1.9–6.7 98
CD16 MFIb on NK (CD56+CD16+) gated cells at baseline   3.2 1.5–6.8 97
Baseline neutrophil countb (x109/l)   0.31 0.15–0.63 87
FcγRIIIA genotype (position 158) FV versus FF 1.8 1.1–2.8 80 (overall)
FcγRIIIA genotype (position 158) VV versus FF 2.3 1.1–5.2  
Splenomegaly (as measured by physical examination in cm below costal margin)   1.1 1.01–1.15 84
Baseline ALCb (x109/l)   1.8 1.03–3.0 65
Presence of respiratory co-morbidity Yes/no 1.7 1.07–2.7 73

Abbreviations: ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; CI, confidence interval; CLL, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma; IRR, infusion-related reaction; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; NK, natural killer; OR, odds ratio.


>1 implies increased risk, <1 implies reduced risk for increasing values of risk factor.


Variables were log transformed before modeling.