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. 2016 Aug 10;48:56. doi: 10.1186/s12711-016-0232-y

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Details on non-rare putative deleterious variants selected in 15 breeds from the 1000 bull genomes run4 dataset. a Distribution of the variants by breed and type of mutations. b Distribution for each breed of the number of variants shared with other breeds. Note that only 18.3 % (273/2489) of non-rare putative deleterious variants are breed-specific. AAN Aberdeen-Angus, BBR Beef Booster Composite, BSW Brown Swiss, CHA charolais, GVH Gelbvieh, HER Hereford, HOL Holstein, JER Jersey, LIM Limousine, MON Montbéliarde, NOR Normande, RAN Red Angus, RDCF Finnish Red, RDCS Swedish Red, SIM Simmental