RNA-modulating prions, amyloids, and amyloidogenic proteins
Gene / Protein | Amyloid (Prion)* | Functions of the protein** | Effects of prion or amyloid state | Organism | Compositionally biased regions*** |
URE2 / Ure2 | [URE3] | Transcriptional regulator of the nitrogen catabolism | Blocks interaction of Ure2 with Gln380 that causes preference of poor nitrogen sources | S. cerevisiae | N, Q/N |
SWI1 / Swi1 | [SWI+] | Transcriptional regulator, subunit of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex | Inhibits growth on the media with non-fermentable carbon sources,40 provides resistance to benomyl14 | S. cerevisiae | A, N, Q, Q/N, T |
SUP35 / Sup35 | [PSI+] | Translation release factor eRF3, mRNA decay | Reduces efficiency of translation termination178 | S. cerevisiae | E, G, K, Q, Q/N, Y |
MOT3 / Mot3 | [MOT3+] | Transcription factor modulating mating, carbon metabolism, and stress response | Regulates flocculation; induction by ethanol and elimination by hypoxia85 | S. cerevisiae | A, H, N, P, Q, Q/N |
CYC8 / Cyc8 | [OCT+] | Transcriptional repressor and activator, subunit of Cyc8-(Ssn6)-Tup1 complex | Inhibits growth of the strains bearing cyc1 deletion on the media with non-fermentable carbon source lactate41 | S. cerevisiae | A, E, P, Q/N, Q |
SFP1 / Sfp1 | [ISP+] | Transcription regulator of genes encoding ribosomal proteins; regulates response to nutrients and stress | Antisuppression of nonsense mutations;87 enhances resistance to cycloheximide and paromomycin42 | S. cerevisiae | A, D, H, N, Q, Q/N, T |
PUB1 / Pub1 | [PUB1] | Stress granule assembly, 3′UTR mRNA-binding | Unclear; aggregates co-localize with P-bodies / stress granules45 | S. cerevisiae | M, N, Q, Q/N |
PUB1 and SUP35 / Pub1 and Sup35 | [PUB1 / SUP35] | Stress granule assembly / Translation release factor eRF3 | Formation of microtubule-associated cytoskeleton-associated complex carrying translational machinery and important for maintaining the integrity of the microtubular cytoskelton45 | S. cerevisiae | E, G, K, M, N, Q, Q/N, Y |
TIA1 / TIA1 | [TIA1] | Stress granule assembly, 3′UTR mRNA-binding | Amyloid-like fibrils involved in stress granule assembly111 | M. musculus | Q |
NUP100 / Nup100 | [NUP100+] | Subunit of nuclear pore complex; nucleocytoplasmic transport | Unknown, phenotypic manifestation is absent43 | S. cerevisiae | G, N, Q, Q/N, S, T |
TP53 / p53 | p53, mutant | Transcriptional repressor | Amyloid-like oligomers and fibrils associated with carcinogenesis104,105 | H. sapiens | A, P |
HTT / huntingtin | huntingtin, mutant | Transcriptional regulator | Pathological amyloid-like inclusions associated with Huntington's disease91 | H. sapiens | D, L, P, Q, Q/N, V |
ATN / atrophin-1 | atrophin-1, mutant | Transcriptional repressor | Pathological amyloid-like inclusions associated with dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy94 | H. sapiens | D, E, G, H, P, Q, Q/N, R, S |
TNRC6A / TNRC6A | TNRC6A | RNA-binding, component of P-bodies, involved in the regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing through the RNA interference | Fibrils in P-bodies, function is unclear120 | H. sapiens | G, K, N, P, Q, Q/N, S, T, W, |
DDX6 / DDX6 | DDX6 | RNA helicase found in P-bodies and stress granules, involved in translation suppression and mRNA degradation | Fibrils in P-bodies, function is unclear121 | H. sapiens | Q |
TDP43 / TDP43 | TDP43, mutant | Transcriptional repressor, component of stress-granules | Pathological inclusions associated with frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis127-129 | H. sapiens | G, N |
FUS / FUS | FUS, mutant | RNA-binding, component of hnRNP-complex | Pathological inclusions associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and polyglutamine diseases131,132 | H. sapiens | G, Q, R, S, Y |
HNRNPA1 / hnRNPA1 | hnRNPA1, mutant | RNA-binding, involved in the packaging of pre-mRNA into hnRNP particles, transport of poly-A mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm | Pathological, multisystem proteinopathy-associated intracellular amyloid-like inclusions136 | H. sapiens | G |
HNRNPA2B1 / hnRNPA2B1 | hnRNPA2B1, mutant | RNA-binding, associated with pre-mRNAs in the nucleus | Pathological, multisystem proteinopathy-associated intracellular amyloid-like inclusions136 | H. sapiens | G, Y |
CPEB / CPEB | CPEB | RNA-binding, binds U-rich sequence located in the 3′ untranslated regions of mRNAs, thus either promoting, or inhibiting translation | Functional amyloid involved in the control of long-term memory; induction by 5HT24,159 | A. californica | P, Q, Q/N, S |
orb2 / Orb2A | Orb2A | see above (CPEB) | see above (CPEB); induction by dopamine, octopamine, or tyramine161,169 | D. melanogaster | G, H, M, Q, Q/N, S |
CPEB3 / CPEB3 | CPEB3 | see above (CPEB) | see above (CPEB); induction by dopamine, glutamate, or glycine59,162,163 | M. musculus | A, P, Q, Q/N |
Column indicates the special designation of amyloid (or prion, in the case of yeast prions).
Based on data from the NCBI Gene database (, Saccharomyces Genome Database (, and cited studies.
Overrepresented amino acids are shown. CBRs were predicted by SARP algorithm,179 and the probability thresholds were set to 10−6 for single residue CBRs and 10−12 for multiple residues CBRs to reduce false positives. CBRs for multiple residue were predicted for the Q/N pair only.