Fig 11. cSiO2 -induced elevations of proinflammatory cytokines MCP-1, TNF-α and IL-6 in BALF and plasma are decreased by DHA consumption in NZBWF1 mice.
MCP-1 (A, D), TNF-α, (B, E) and IL-6 (C, F)) were quantitated in BALF (left panel) and plasma (right panel) by flow cytometric bead array. Data are ± SEM (n = 8). The designation n.d. indicates below the limit of detection. Bars without same letter are significantly different (p<0.05). Symbols: * indicates significant difference from CON-fed mice instilled with VEH (p < 0.05); # indicates significant difference from CON-fed mice instilled with cSiO2 (p < 0.05). DHA dose-dependently decreased BALF concentrations of MCP-1 (r2 = -0.791, p < 0.001), TNF- α (r2 = -0.577 p < 0.001), and IL-6 (r2 = -0.810, p < 0.001). DHA dose-dependently decreased plasma MCP-1 (r2 = -0.871, p < 0.001) and TNF-α (r2 = -0.527, p < 0.05).