Fig. 6.
Photodynamic therapy with iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with photosensitizing agent Ce6. (a) A schematic drawing to illustrate in vivo magnetic tumor targeting. (b) In vivo fluorescence image of a 4T1 tumor bearing mouse. (c) In vivo T2-weighted MR images of a mouse taken before injection (upper) and 24 h post injection (bottom). White and red arrows point to tumors without and with a magnet attached, respectively. (d) Ce6 fluorescence signal intensities in magnetic field (MF) targeted and non-targeted tumor regions. (e) T2-weighted MR signals of untreated, MF targeted and non-targeted tumors. (f) Tumor growth curves of different groups of tumors after various treatments indicated. Error bars were based on SD of six tumors per group. MF: magnetic field; L: light. (g) Representative photos of mice after various treatments. White and red arrows point to tumors without and with magnetic targeting, respectively. Adapted from Ref.95 with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.