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. 2016 Sep;106(9):1573–1581. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303338


Biorepository Specimens: NHS and NHS II

Study Year Sample Type Description No. Samples
 Main toenail cohort 1982–1984 Toenails Nail clippings from all 10 toes 68 213
 Main blood cohort 1989–1990 Blood 32 826
 Main blood cohort, 2nd collection 2000–2002 Blood, urine Only women who provided a 1st collection blood sample; first morning spot urine 18 743
 Reproducibility study 1989–1990; 1991; 1992 Blood Repeat blood samples from the same participants 227
 Nested folate trial 1996; 1999 Blood Repeat blood samples from the same participants 685
 Main cheek cohort 2002–2004 Buccal cells Among women without blood samples 33 040
 Renal function cohort 2003; Blood, urine Repeat blood and urine samples from the same participants 1 992
 Cognitive function cohort 2007 Blood 130
 Diet and lifestyle validation study 2009– Blood, urine, saliva 4 24-h urine specimens; 2 blood specimens 375
 Main blood cohort 1996–1999 Blood Among premenopausal women, samples were collected during the follicular and midluteal phases of the menstrual cycle 29 611
 Reproducibility study 1996–1999; 2000; 2001 Blood, urine Repeat blood and urine samples from the same participant 297
 Renal function cohort 2003; 2008 Blood, urine Repeat blood and urine samples from the same participants 1 847
 Main cheek cohort 2004–2006 Buccal cells Among women without blood samples 29 392
 Melatonin study 2009 24-h urine 180
 Diet and lifestyle validation study 2009– Blood, urine, saliva Four 24-h urine specimens; 2 blood specimens 375
 Main blood cohort, 2nd collection 2008–2011 Blood, urine Only women who provided a 1st collection blood sample; first morning spot urine 17 275
 Diabetes and Women’s Health 2012 Blood, urine, toenails Only women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus 2 089
 Mind Body Study 2013–2014 Blood, urine, timed saliva, stool, hair, toenails Among the lifestyle validation study participants 250

Note. NHS = Nurses’ Health Study. Blood includes plasma, white blood cell count, and red blood cell count.