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. 2016 Aug 3;53(3):967–980. doi: 10.3233/JAD-160301



Sideritis spp. potently reduce neurotoxic brain Aβ42 levels and protect from neuronal loss. A) S. scardica, S. euboea, and the extract combination reduce buffer-soluble Aβ42 significantly in both treatment strategies. B) Quantification of neuronal area indicated significant neuron loss in vehicle-treated APP-tg mice in comparison to vehicle-treated, non-transgenic littermates. A significantly increased neuronal area of Sideritis spp.-treated APP-tg mice compared to vehicle treated APP-tg mice indicates neuroprotective effects of the Sideritis spp. extract combination in both paradigms (mean + SEM, *p≤0.05). C, D) Microphotographs of NeuN stained brain slices of APP-tg mice after (C) vehicle treatment and (D) post-AD-onset therapy with Sideritis spp. extract combination (scale bars: 50μm).