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. 2016 Jun 20;4(2):284–299. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00300

TABLE. Evaluation of Partnership Success Factors and Prerequisites for the 2014 Uganda Costed Implementation Plan by Types of Relationships.

Types of Relationships
Factors Within the CIP Task Force Between CIP Task Force and TST Between CIP Task Force and Consultation Participants
Factors with high presence across all 3 relationships
Partners’ willingness to adapt to meet partnership’s needs High High High
Existence of partnership champions High High High
Ability to meet performance expectations High High High
Clear goals High High High
Senior management support High N/A High
Partner compatibility High High High
Factors with low presence across all 3 relationships
Conflict (degree, frequency, conflict avoidance, dominating partner) Low Low Low
Factors with mixed presence across the 3 relationships
Perception of partners’ tolerance for sharing power Low Medium Low
Trust High Medium Medium
Confidence in procedures Low Medium Low
Ownership High High Low

Abbreviations: CIP, costed implementation plan; NA, not applicable; TST, technical support team.