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. 2016 Aug 11;15:408. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1457-5

Table 1.

General information

Study location Southern Province, Zambia
Number of districts included in analysis 10
Number of HFCAs included in final analysis 164
Geographic unit of analysis Health facility catchment area
Time horizon for analysis 2014 calendar year
Perspective for costing analysis Providers (Government, MACEPA)
Costing approach Bottom up (ingredients, expenditures, activities), incremental costs
Main currency for analysis Zambian Kwacha (ZMW)
Other currency included in analysis US$
2014 annual average exchange rate (2014 ZMW/$) 6.39
Inflation (Zambia and US) CPI, annual average
Real discount rate 3.00 %
Year for reporting costs 2014