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. 2016 Aug 11;16:282. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1262-2

Table 3.

Plant-based traditional medicines used for treatment of diabetes in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

Nomenclature Uses in other African communities Active Compounds and Pharmacology Plant Parts in Use Potential Side Effects and Toxicities
Scientific English Common Name(s) Local Vernacular
Moringa oleiferaa Moringa; Drumstick tree Mlonge Senegal: stimulates breastmilk production, diabetes, anxiety, diarrhea and dysentery, colitis, gonorrhea, and various skin infections
Chad: nutritional supplementation
Nigeria and Benin: toothaches, GI ailments (dyspepsia, ulcers, and aiding digestion), poor vision, joint pains, diabetes, anemia, hypertension, paralysis, and helminthic infestation
Uganda: diabetes, hypertension, HIV/AIDS-related symptoms, stimulates breastmilk production
Leaf extracts have glucose metabolism effects: modulates gene-expression of gluconeogenic liver enzymes, and regenerates pancreatic beta cells
Nitrile and mustard oil glycosides: lowers blood pressure
Seed kernels: bronchodilatory properties
CNS effects: increases glutamate and serotonin; decreases norepinephrine and dopamine; anti-pyretic properties
Anti-oxidative properties: may prevent drug-induced nephrotoxicity, myocardial damage, and gastric mucosal irritation
Active compounds: salicylic and ferulic acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, glucosinolates and isothiocanates, tannins and saponins
Flowers Pods/seeds Roots Leaves (Commonly grounded into powder for mixing) -Abortifacient: causes uterine contractions
-Inhibits CYP3A4 (inhibits metabolism of anti-diabetic drugs in the meglitinide class)
-Chronic kidney disease (decline in glomerular filtration rate)
-Hepatotoxicty (potential at high doses)
Lemongrass Mchaichai Southern Africa: diabetes, oral thrush, anti-tussive, anti-emetic, antiseptic, arthritis
West Africa (Cameroon & Nigeria): antipyretic/anti-malarial, stimulant, anti-spasmodic, jaundice
Mauritius: common cold, pneumonia, fever, GI ailments and dyspepsia
Oil extracts: anti-bacterial, anti-amebic, anti-fungal, antimalarial, anti-protozoal, and antifilarial effects
Phenol and flavonoids: antioxidative
Citral: insect repellent
Active compounds: terpenes, alcohols, ketons, aldehyde, flavanoids, phenols, citral
-Volume depletion
-Chronic kidney disease
(decline in glomerular filtration rate)
-Hepatotoxicty (potential)
Hagenia abyssinicaa African redwood; East African rosewood Enjani engashe (Maasai) Ethiopia: Helminthic infections, Typhoid fever, wound healing, epilepsy, sexually transmitted diseases, and symptomatic ailments (dyspepsia, diarrhea, common cold, and cough) Essential oils: trypanocidal (anti-spasmodic) and cytotoxic (in vitro activity against leukemic and adenocarcinoma cell lines)
Active compounds: kosin (a phloroglucinol), & quercetin glucuronides
Flower and leaf extracts -Hepatotoxicity
-Diarrhea and volume depletion
- Gastritis
-Optic atrophy (blindness)

CNS central nervous system, CYP3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4, GI gastrointestinal

aReferences are available in Additional file 2