Figure 4. MAM7, MshA1, VpadF promote sulfation-dependent adhesion and T3SS1 killing.
(A) Flow cytometry profile of T3SS1+ V. parahaemolyticus and derivatives lacking MAM7, MshA1, VpadF or all of them, bound to heparin-FITC; GMFI, geometric mean fluorescence intensity. (B) Kinetics of T3SS1 killing in bacteria lacking the adhesins MAM7, MshA1 and/or VpadF. (C) Survival of SLC35B2 cells infected with T3SS1+ and adhesin-deficient strains with or without heparin coating. Data are mean with SEM (n=3). P values (* < 0.01) are based on one-way ANOVA with Dunnet post test correction.