Figure 5. Infected TLR2 KO mice exhibited elevated TLR4 signaling compared to that in wild-type mice.
TLR4 signaling-related gene expression profile in TLR2 KO and wild-type C57BL/6J mice was determined by real-time RT-PCR on days 10 and 21 post infection (n = 3, triplicates per sample). The data set was organized based on the TLR4 signal transduction pathway. Non-infected mice (day 0) in each genotype served as baseline controls to determine infection effect (*: p<0.05; **p<0.01 vs. Day 0). Genotype effect (TLR2 KO vs. C57BL/6J) was determined on days 10 and 21 separately (†: p<0.05). Open dot: C57BL/6J mice, Closed dot: TLR2 KO mice, X-axis: observation periods, Y-axis: fold change value in a semi-logarithmic format. ND in horizontal orientation: no statistical difference vs. Day 0; ND in vertical orientation: no statistical difference between the genotypes.