Figure 7.
(A and B) Intensity and size images from a time sequence capturing the endocytosis process in a HeLa cell, corresponding to minutes 19, 39, 55, 75, and 93 after incubation with the dye pHrodo Green dextran. (C–E) The filtered global ACFs associated with smaller (d1 < 380 nm), medium (380 nm < d2 < 550 nm), and larger (d3 > 550 nm) vesicles and calculated for the same time frames. (F) Size histograms calculated for all the cells (n = 7) and for the temporal intervals 15 min < t < 45 min (blue) and 210 min < t < 240 min (red). (G) Average time course (n = 7) of the number of small, medium, and large vesicles. Each set of data has been fitted to a piecewise linear function to determine the time, tk, at which the vesicles of the kth population start to appear (t1 = 38 min, t2 = 47 min, t3 = 59 min; Δt1 = 85 min, Δt2 = 89 min, Δt3 = 50 min). To see this figure in color, go online.