GnRH, FOXG1, and TUJ1 in an 8-Gestational-Week Human Fetus
(A) Immunohistochemistry of coronal sections in a human fetus. GnRH was expressed in the frontonasal area between the olfactory epithelia (oe) and the nasal medial cartilage (nmc), in migrating cells also known as the migratory mass. These cells were FOXG1-positive, including GnRH-expressing cells. The arrow in the top panel indicates the area magnified in the middle panel. GnRH-FOXG1 double-positive cells were also detected in the ventral forebrain.
(B) TUJ1 was expressed in the migratory mass cells, including GnRH-expressing cells. Arrow indicates the area magnified on the right. cp, cribriform plate; fb, forebrain; lv, lateral ventricle; nmc, nasal medial cartilage; oe, olfactory epithelia; tn, terminal nerve.