Fig. 5.
Deamidation of Gln147 coupled with racemization of Asp145 in MBP from controls (●) and multiple sclerosis (MS) patients suffering from SPMS (○) PPMS (◊) and RRMS (▽). a Conversion of L-Asp145 to the D-isoAsp form in the deamidated peptide (GVDAEGTSK). Racemization of Asp145 to D-isoAsp GV(D-isoAsp)AEGTSK was significantly greater in multiple sclerosis patients (p < 0.001, Mann–Whitney-U). There was no significant difference for the other Asp isomers; GV(D-Asp)AEGTSK and GV(L-isoAsp)AEGTSK. The percentage of modification was calculated using the ion intensities of (GV(D-isoAsp)AEGTSK)/(GVDAEGTSK) × 100. b Selected ion chromatograph from the tryptic digest of MBP from a control (66y) and an multiple sclerosis patient (48y). Controls n = 10; multiple sclerosis patients n = 8