Fig. 1.
RALFL34 expression and gene/protein topology. (A) Expression profile of RALFL34 in the pericycle of seedlings subjected to lateral root inducible system [after mixed model analysis; data from De Smet et al., (2008)]. Seedlings were grown on NPA (1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid; 0h) for 3 d. NAA, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid. (B) Schematic of RALFL34 protein, highlighting the putative signal peptide and likely mature peptide region and sequence. (C) Schematic of the RALFL34 gene, with indication of qPCR primers (pink lines), position of T-DNA insertion, and promoterregion (blue line). (D) RALFL34 expression as monitored through qPCR in ralfl34-1 and ralfl34-2 roots at 5 d after germination and their respective control lines, Col-0 and Ler. The graph depicts the average of three biological repeats (and 3–6 technical repeats) ±SE. Student’s t-test with P-value <0.01.