A) Ex vivo FRI analysis. Representative images of the fluorescence intensity in the aorta. Red squares (200x200 pixel) indicate the quantified area including aortic sinus and arch. B) Quantification of FRI signal-positive area (dashed red line indicates signal cut-off for quantification). **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 by one-way ANOVA. C, D) Representative images of tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase activity (TNAP stain) in the aortic sinus (C) and aortic arch (lesser curvature) (D). C, Bar=200 µm C; D, Bar=100 µm. (E) Quantitative assessment of %-positive lesion area for TNAP. Data presented as mean±SD. Each dot depicts one mouse. n.s., not significant. F) Representative images of von Kossa stain for calcium deposits in the aortic arch (lesser curvature). Bar=100 µm. n=3–8 for all panels.