Fig. S2.
Characteristic and regeneration capability of calli derived from cfr1. (A and B) Expression of WOX5 (A) or PLT1 (B) in the mature zone of WT, slr, and cfr1-1 roots incubated on CIM. Here 7-d-old seedlings carrying a pWOX5::GFP-ER (A) or pPLT1::PLT1:YFP (B) construct were incubated on CIM for 4–6 d. (Scale bars: 25 µm.) (C) Shoot regeneration of the calli derived from WT, slr, and cfr1-1. (Scale bar: 1 cm.) (D) Number of adventitious shoots regenerated on the root-derived callus of WT, slr, and cfr1-1. n = 18. Error bars are SD. Significance was determined by Student’s t test. **P < 0.01. (E) Expression of PLT1, PLT2, PLT3, and PLT7 genes in the calli of WT, slr, and cfr1-1. n = 3. Error bars are SD.