Fig. S5.
Auxin accumulation and response in kcs1-2 and kcs1-2 slr. (A) Expression of DR5::GFP in the mature zone (MZ) and root apical meristem (RAM) of WT, kcs1-2, slr, and kcs1-2 slr roots before or after incubation on CIM for 6 h. (Scale bars: 25 µm.) (B) PIN1 accumulation in the RAM of WT, kcs1-2, slr, and kcs1-2 slr roots before or after incubation on CIM for 6 h. (Scale bar: 25 µm.) (C) qRT-PCR analysis of LBD16, LBD17, LBD18, and LBD29 expression in WT, kcs1-2, slr, and kcs1-2 slr roots before or after incubation on CIM for 24 h. n = 3. Error bars are SD.