Fig. S2.
Underfocused Lorentz TEM images of a 330-nm FeGe nanodisk at 220 K under an external magnetic field. At zero field, the ground state consists of four helical periods. With the increase of the external field, some skyrmions were nucleated from the helix at 0.45 kOe, and the skyrmions eventually occupied the whole disk at 0.47 kOe. After the number of skyrmions Ns reaches the maximum of 11, i.e., eight skyrmions circle around the edge of the disk, with three inside the circle. Further increasing the external field, the number of the inner skyrmions, in turn, merges to 2 at 0.81 kOe and 1 at 0.98 kOe. It’s worth noting that, at 0.98 kOe, the eight circumambient skyrmions begin to rotate around the center one, leading to a ring-like structure (see Movie S3). Red circles in the white plate at the corner of each panel point out the position of skyrmions and helixes. All images are extracted from a video captured at a defocus value of −288 μm and an exposure time of 0.2 s.