Fig. 4.
Interactions of EF-4–GDPCP with the A/L-tRNA. (A) Overview of the contacts between EF-4–GDPCP and the A/L-tRNA. Each region is boxed and labeled according to its corresponding panel in this figure. (B) Nucleotide A76 of the A/L-tRNA, together with residues Leu554 of EF-4, U1944, and U1955 of 23S rRNA, are sandwiched to form a four-layer stacking unit. (C) Phosphate backbone-mediated interactions between the CTD of EF-4–GDPCP and the acceptor-stem of the A/L-tRNA. (D) The intrinsic flexibility of nucleotides in the core region of the A/L-tRNA facilitates remodeling of the tRNA in the A site by EF-4. The oxygen and nitrogen atoms are red and dark blue, respectively. Putative hydrogen bonds are shown as black dashes.