Fig. 3.
Seed size and evolution and the limits of Vb for extinct and extant frugivorous lemurs. (A) Linear model of relationships between frugivorous lemur body weight and Vb (n = 8; R2 = 0.96, P = 3.27 e−7). The light gray surrounding the regression line represents the 95% confidence range of Vb predictions. Orange circles represent Vb predictions for extinct lemurs, and white circles represent Vb predictions for extant lemurs. The horizontal blue area shows the 95% confidence range of Malagasy Canarium fruit diameters. Horizontal colored dashed lines indicate the seed diameter of other putatively orphaned angiosperm lineages. (B) Log-transformed Malagasy Canarium fruit length and width data projected into a 2D phylogenetic morphospace. Numbered lineages represent those Canarium species inferred to be outside of the Vb of extant lemur lineages (1, C. betamponae; 2, C. galokense; 3, C. longistipulatum; 4, C. elegans; 5, C. ampasindavae; 6, C. planifolium). Dashed lines indicate Vb of lemur lineages. (C) Maximum likelihood reconstruction of fruit width on the time-calibrated Canarieae phylogeny; the black star represents the crown of the Malagasy Canarium.