The protective effect of adiponectin pre-treatment on repeated UVB exposure induced (a) SA-β-gal activity, (b) SA-markers, and (c) hBD2 expression. NHEK pre-treatment of adiponectin for 24 h, and then treated with 6 repeated UVB exposures. After 64 h, the degree of cell senescence was quantified as the percentage of SA-β-gal positive cells and expressed as a percentage of NC cells. Protein expression levels were analyzed by Western blot. hBD2 expression was measured using the whole cell lysates by ELISA assays (representative fluorescence images of hBD2 expression levels in the presence or absence of adiponectin (10 μg/ml), showed as photographs). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments (n = 3). *, p<0.05; **, p<0.005, vs. NC. #, p<0.05, vs. UVB treated group.