Fig. 2.
Network structures of community sexual ties illustrating three bridging measures. a Non-Redundant Ties. (In the UCINET © version 6.0 “structural holes” procedure, the number of non-redundant ties for a given node is the node’s “effective network size”, which is the number of other nodes to which that node is directly linked minus the average number of the other nodes which are directly linked to each other; in the example, A is directly linked to 2 other nodes and B and C are directly linked to an average of 0 other nodes, excluding A, so that A’s effective network size is 2.0.) b Flow-betweenness. c Walk-betweenness. A, B, C, and D are the network nodes; “_n_” is the number of sexual ties between network nodes; Lines are scaled according to “n”, the number of sexual ties between network nodes