Fig. 4.
Bridging scores. a Non-redundancy by United Hospital Fund Community HIV prevalence rate (per 100,000). b Flow-between-ness by United Hospital Fund Community HIV prevalence rate (per 100,000). (The flow-betweenness scores are the absolute, unnormalized values, and are calculated in UCINET© version 6.0 using an approach that was introduced in version and later. Both versions yield the same flow-betweenness rank order for United Hospital Fund Communities relative to the median flow-betweenness score. The United Hospital Fund Community with the highest flow-betweenness score, United Hospital Fund Community 203, Bedford-Stuyvesant—Crown Heights [flow-betweenness score = 241.58, HIV prevalence rate = 1579.82/100,000], was removed from the plot to improve readability). c Walk-betweenness by United Hospital Fund Community HIV prevalence rate (per 100,000)