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. 2016 Aug 8;26(15):1975–1989. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.06.012

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Distinct Hemocyte Behaviors Associated with Non-healing Wounds

(A–D′) In vivo imaging of extra-large “chronic” wounds (130-μm diameter) that fail to heal and remain open 24 hr post-injury (A–C; wound edge outlined in white) with low-level persistent inflammation (B–D). Epithelium labeled with E-cadherin-GFP and hemocytes with srp > nuclear-red-stinger, GFP. Data from live-imaging in (D′) used to compute hemocyte directionality.

(E–H) Normal healing wounds close using a contractile acto-myosin cable (sqh-GFP, arrowheads, E) and leading-edge protrusions (GFP-moesin, arrowheads, F), but chronic “non-healing” wounds lack a stable actin cable (arrowheads, G) and have only rare protrusions (arrowheads, H).

(I–L) For healing wounds, hemocytes respond with similar levels of bias and persistence as for previous large wounds (I and J). Hemocytes associated with “non-healers” exhibited little or no bias toward the wound (K), even at the earliest time points (red line, K), and significantly less persistence (L). Boxplots represent estimated parameter distributions for bias and persistence.

See also Figure S6 and Movie S6.