Variable | No.a (%)b |
Recruiting mechanisms | |
Research institution–affiliated | |
Research project manager or coordinator | 10 (55.6) |
Research institution’s human resources department | 5 (27.8) |
Researchers who are not members of host community or clinic | 2 (11.1) |
Community-affiliated | |
Community advisory boards | 5 (27.8) |
Other individuals at the CBO | 4 (22.2) |
CBO manager or coordinator | 4 (22.2) |
CBO’s human resources department | 3 (16.7) |
Current CHWs | 3 (16.7) |
Host community (or clinic) | 2 (11.1) |
Hiring mechanisms | |
Research institution–affiliated | |
Research project manager or coordinator | 11 (61.1) |
Research institution’s human resources department | 7 (38.9) |
Researchers who are not members of host community or clinic | 2 (11.1) |
Community-affiliated | |
Community advisory boards | 1 (5.6) |
Other individuals at the CBO | 1 (5.6) |
CBO manager or coordinator | 3 (16.7) |
CBO human resources department | 3 (16.7) |
Current CHWs | 0 (0.0) |
Host community (or clinic) | 1 (5.6) |
CHW supervisor titles | |
Project manager or coordinator | 12 (66.7) |
Site manager or coordinator | 2 (11.1) |
Current CHWs | 1 (5.6) |
Supervisory activities | |
One-on-one meetings with supervisor | 15 (83.3) |
Performance reviews | 14 (77.8) |
Team meetings | 18 (100.0) |
CHW supervisor educational attainment | |
High-school diploma | 1 (5.6) |
College graduate (associate’s or bachelor’s degree) | 6 (33.3) |
Master’s degree–level, nonclinician | 9 (50.0) |
Clinician | 1 (5.6) |
PhD-level researcher | 1 (5.6) |
Note. CBO = community-based organization; CHW = community health worker; CPHHD = Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities.
No. represents the number of projects in the CPHHD that involve CHWs.
Totals more than 100% as CHWs are recruited and hired through multiple mechanisms for each project.