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. 2016 Aug 15;24:101. doi: 10.1186/s13049-016-0292-6

Table 2.

Results of Section 2 and 3

Session 2: General knowledge about the HDP YES NO
 1) what is the PEMAF 31 (45 %) 38 (55 %)
 2) location of a copy of the PEMAF, for emergency reference and reading 23 (33 %) 46 (67 %)
 3) what is an Action/Task Card 16 (35 %) 53 (65 %)
Session 3: Specific knowledge of the HDP YES NO
 4) who activates the PEMAF 28 (41 %) 41 (59 %)
  Hospital Chief Medical Officer 10 (35 %)
  Emergency Department physician-0n-duty 10 (35 %)
  EMS-OC 7 (25 %)
  Other 4 (13 %)
  Multiple answer 3 (9 %)
 5) who is in charge of intra-hospital operations 26 (38 %) 43 (62 %)
  Emergency Department physician-on-duty 10 (38 %)
  Hospital Chief Medical Officer 7 (27 %)
  Crisis Unit 4 (15 %)
  Other 6 (20 %)
  Multiple answers 1 (3 %)
 6) Management of patients already admitted to the ED before PEMAF activation 27 (39 %) 42 (61 %)
  Transfer/discharge by established protocol 13 (48 %)
  Less severe patient discharge 5 (19 %)
  Green codes assessed and discharged; yellow and red codes treated and held 3 (11 %)
  Other 6 (18 %)
 7) Way to recruit additional personnel 55 (80 %) 14 (20 %)
  Telephone 27 (49 %)
  On call personnel list 14 (25 %)
  Switchboard 8 (15 %)
  Crisis Unit/ Head Nurse/ EMS-OC/ Hospital Chief Medical Officer to call personnel 4 (6 %)
  Respondent to personally call staff colleagues 2 (3 %)
 8) ED’s maximal patient management capacity in the first hour (by triage priority code) 11 (16 %) 58 (84 %)
  Approximately more than 10 5 (45 %)
  Approximately less than 10 3 (27,5 %)
  It depends on the casualty severity 3 (27,5 %)
 9) Way to find information about bed number in the inpatient divisions/departments 50 (72 %) 19 (28 %)
  By telephone 18 (36 %)
  Software 9 (18 %)
  Updated list (generic) 7 (14 %)
  “I personally call the departments” 5 (10 %)
  Other 9 (18 %)
 10) who terminates the emergency status 25 (36 %) 44 (64 %)
  Hospital Chief Medical Officer 12 (48 %)
  EMS-OC 5 (20 %)
  Emergency Department physician on duty 3 (12 %)
  Other 10 (8 %)
  Multiple answers to the question 3 (12 %)

Abbreviations: PEMAF Italian acronym for the Emergency Plan for Massive Influx of Casualties; HDP Hospital Disaster Plan; EMS-OC Emergency Medical Service Operation Center