Fig. 2.
Coherent/incoherent actions of drug pairs. Panel a when two drugs act simultaneously on the same target, their action can be coherent (i.e., the second drug tends to reinforce the action of the first) or incoherent (i.e., the second drug tends to counteract the action of the first). Panel b drug pairs with common targets, and their sign patterns. All 4 histograms show a count of the number of drug pairs having one or more targets in common (the number of common targets is on the horizontal axis). Only signed edges are considered. Top left subpanel: all pairs of drugs having one or more common targets, and considered regardless of sign. Top right subpanel: only positive/positive actions. Bottom left subpanel: only negative/negative actions. Bottom right subpanel: positive/negative actions. The totals refer to the cumulative sums of all pairs