World Health Organization |
Pan-American Health Organization |
The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
GAVI Alliance |
UNs Development Programme |
UNs Population Fund |
UN Women |
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee |
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights |
International Organization for Migration |
UNs High Commissioner for Refugees |
World Trade Organization |
International Labour Organization |
International Development Law Organization |
Partnership for Maternal Newborn and Child Health |
UN Foundation |
Rockefeller Foundation |
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation |
International Planned Parenthood Federation |
International Committee of the Red Cross |
Center for Global Development |
College de France |
Washington University |
The New School |
Georgetown University |
US Government |
Swedish Government |
World Bank |
Inter-American Development Bank |