Table 10.
Brain weight in a mixed sample of treated homosexual and nonhomosexual male-to-female transsexuals
Brain region/aspect | Normative sex differences (M vs. F) | Sample size and age (range) | Sample source | Brain-relevant sample characteristics | Brain methods and measurements | Statistically controlled confounding variables | Selected findings and conclusions | Authors |
Brain Weight |
M > F | 6 MtF (2 Hom; 3 Nonhom; 1 Bi) 9 Hom M (AIDS) 10 F (2 postmenopausal; 1 AIDS; 2 abnormal hormone levels) 15 presumed Het M (3 AIDS; 4 abnormal hormone levels) |
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands | MtF cross-sex hormone treated | Anatomopathology Measurement Postmortem brain weight |
Matched age, postmortem time, duration of formalin fixation | No significant group differences for brain weight Conclusions brain weight of MtF do not differ from male and female controls’ |
Zhou et al. (1995) |
Brain Weight |
M > F | 6 MtF (same Zhou et al. (1995) + 1 untreated) 10 Het M (3 sex hormone disorders) 9 Hom M 10 F (3 sex hormone disorders) 1 FtM |
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands | MtF cross-sex hormone treated | Anatomopathology Measurement Postmortem brain weight |
Matched age, postmortem time, duration of formalin fixation | No significant group differences for brain weight Conclusions brain weight of MtF do not differ from males and female controls |
Kruijver et al. (2000) |
Brain Weight |
M > F | 12 MtF (7 Nonhom; 2 Hom; 3 unknown sexual orientation) 14 Het M 11 Het F Age range: MtF: 26–84 Het M: 25–81 Het F: 21–82 |
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands | MtF cross-sex hormone treated | Anatomopathology Measurement Postmortem brain weight |
Matched age, postmortem time, duration of formalin fixation | No significant group differences for brain weight Conclusions brain weight of MtF do not differ from males and female controls’ |
Garcia-Falgueras and Swaab (2008) |
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome, GD gender dysphoria, SD sex differences, M male, F female, Ss subjects, MtF male-to-female transsexuals, Hom homosexual, Nonhom nonhomosexual transsexuals, Het heterosexual, Bi bisexual