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. 2016 Jul 25;93(4):666–681. doi: 10.1007/s11524-016-0065-6


Participant demographic characteristics by city: Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa

Vancouver (n = 387) Toronto (n = 390) Ottawa (n = 396) p value*
Age in years (mean ± SD) 42.0 ± 10.2 43.8 ± 9.8 41.0 ± 11.4 0.009
Gender (n (%))
 Male 250 (64.6) 258 (66.2) 280 (70.7) 0.0005
 Female 137 (35.4) 132 (33.8) 116 (29.3)
Problematic substance use 174 (45.1) 114 (29.2) 149 (38.8) <0.0001
Housing status at recruitment (n (%))
 Vulnerably housed 195 (50.4) 191 (49.0) 199 (50.2) 0.91
 Homeless 192 (49.6) 199 (51.0) 197 (49.8)
Born in Canada (n (%)) 346 (90.8) 289 (74.1) 349 (88.3) <0.0001
Marital status (n (%))
 Single/never married 198 (51.8) 240 (61.7) 236 (59.7) 0.01
 Divorced/separated 106 (27.8) 100 (25.7) 98 (24.8)
 Widowed 15 (3.9) 9(2.3) 6 (1.5)
 Married/common law 37 (9.7) 23 (5.9) 22 (5.6)
 Partnered, not married 26 (6.8) 17 (4.4) 33 (8.4)
Ever had children (n (%)) 231 (60.5) 218 (56.3) 209 (53.5) 0.11
Racial/cultural group (n (%))
 White 218 (58.1) 202 (54.4) 297 (75.6) <0.0001
 Black/African-Canadian 12 (3.2) 67 (18.1) 26 (6.6)
 Indigenous 101 (27.0) 49 (13.2) 47 (12.0)
 Other 44 (11.7) 53 (14.3) 23 (5.8)
Highest level of education (n (%))
 Some high school or less 174 (45.5) 168 (43.3) 181 (45.9) 0.54
 Completed high school or equivalent 97 (25.4) 87 (22.4) 87 (22.1)
 Some post-secondary education or higher 111 (29.1) 133 (34.3) 126 (32.0)
Employed in past 12 months (n (%)) 167 (43.3) 134 (34.4) 166 (42.0) 0.02
Monthly income (CDN dollars; median (IQR)) 1080 (682–1756) 762 (499–1251) 825 (512–1307) <0.0001
Lifetime duration of homelessness (years; median (IQR)) 3.4 (1.3–7.2) 3.5 (1.2–8.0) 2.3 (1.0–6.0) 0.02
Incarcerated in past 12 months (n (%)) 108 (28.4) 102 (26.1) 123 (31.3) 0.28
Count of chronic health conditions (n (%))
 0 28 (7.2) 78 (20.0) 42 (10.6) <0.0001
 1 78 (20.2) 83 (21.3) 86 (21.7)
 2 61 (15.8) 74 (19.0) 59 (14.9)
 ≥3 220 (56.8) 155 (39.7) 209 (52.8)
Ever diagnosed with a mental health problem (n (%)) 203 (53.4) 156 (40.4) 235 (60.3) <0.0001

Note. SD standard deviation, CDN Canadian, IQR interquartile range