Figure 5. IAPP forms an α-helix upon interaction with oleic acid containing LUVs before transitioning into a β-sheet structure.
Representative circular dichroism spectra are shown. The secondary structure of 25 μM IAPP was first determined in 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (solid line). A minimum at 202 nm suggests a mostly disordered structure. LUVs composed of 66 (a) and 25 mol% (b) oleic acid were added and the structure was measured again (dotted line). Minima at 208 nm and 222 nm indicate a transition into an α-helix upon interaction with LUVs. After incubation at room temperature, the samples were measured a final time (dashed line). A minimum near ~218 nm is most consistent with a primarily β-sheet structure. (c) Initial spectra of IAPP upon addition of 66 (— • —), 25 (— —), and 10 mol% (•••) OA-LUVs are overlaid with the disordered structure in buffer (—), provided for reference.