Figure 7.
Shock-evoked MOC suppression is absent in Prph−/− ears. A, Schematic cross-section through the brainstem at the level of the lateral superior olive (LSO) and medial superior olive (MSO), showing (1) the cell bodies of MOC neurons projecting to one ear (ipsilateral), (2) the circuit underlying the sound-evoked MOC reflex, and (3) the location of the electrical stimulator at the floor of the fourth ventricle. B, Mean time course of the changes in DPOAE amplitude (compared with mean preshock baseline) evoked by a 70 s shock train to the OC bundle. Data are averaged from four WT and two KO ears. DPOAEs in the ipsilateral ear were evoked with primary tones at 16.0 kHz (f2) and 13.33 kHz (f1), presented at levels evoking a DPOAE 10 dB above the noise floor. C, Mean shock-evoked suppression in DPOAE amplitudes for f2 = 16 or 22.6 kHz for Prph−/− vs. Prph+/+ ears (n = 2 and n = 4, respectively). To collapse traces such as those in B to a single number, we average, for each test iteration, the first three points after shock onset.