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. 2016 Aug 17;2:8. doi: 10.1186/s40748-016-0036-7

Table 2.

Diet quality scores for Delta Healthy Sprouts participants in the gestational period by treatment arm and visit (time)

GM 4 (n = 43 and 38)a GM 6 (n = 39 and 25) GM 8 (n = 36 and 22)b P
HEI-2010 Component Arm LSM 95 % CI LSM 95 % CIc LSM 95 % CIc Time Arm Int
Total vegetables PAT 2.3 1.8 2.7 1.8 1.3 2.2 2.1 1.6 2.5 0.877 0.237 0.367
 (Range 0-5) PATE 1.7 1.3 2.2 1.9 1.4 2.5 1.8 1.2 2.4
Greens & beans PAT 0.6 0.1 1.0 0.8 0.3 1.3 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.243 0.820 0.797
 (Range 0-5) PATE 0.6 0.1 1.1 0.8 0.2 1.5 0.2 0.0 0.9
Total fruit PAT 1.3 0.7 1.9 2.2 1.5 2.8 1.5 0.8 2.1 0.713 0.860 0.086
 (Range 0–5) PATE 1.8 1.1 2.4 1.4 0.6 2.2 1.9 1.1 2.8
Whole fruit PAT 1.1 0.4 1.7 1.8 1.1 2.4 1.2 0.5 1.8 0.248 0.214 0.539
 (Range 0–5) PATE 1.6 0.9 2.2 1.8 1.0 2.6 1.9 1.1 2.8
Whole grains PAT 2.4 1.4 3.4 1.8 0.7 2.8 2.1 1.1 3.2 0.818 0.388 0.375
 (Range 0–10) PATE 2.5 1.4 3.5 3.1 1.8 4.4 2.1 0.7 3.5
Dairy PAT 4.4 3.5 5.2 3.6 2.7 4.5 4.0 3.1 4.9 0.311 0.086 0.543
 (Range 0–10) PATE 3.7 2.7 4.6 3.4 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.5 3.9
Total protein foods PAT 4.4 4.0 4.8 4.3 3.9 4.7 4.2 3.8 4.6 0.960 0.561 0.548
 (Range 0–5) PATE 4.3 3.9 4.7 4.5 4.0 4.9 4.6 4.0 5.1
Seafood & plant proteins PAT 0.7 0.1 1.3 1.0 0.4 1.6 0.8 0.2 1.4 0.960 0.813 0.362
 (Range 0–5) PATE 1.2 0.6 1.8 0.7 0.0 1.4 0.9 0.1 1.7
Fatty acids PAT 5.2 4.1 6.2 5.2 4.2 6.3 6.4 5.2 7.5 0.397 0.060 0.576
 (Range 0–10) PATE 6.8 5.7 7.9 6.3 5.0 7.7 6.8 5.3 8.2
Sodium PAT 2.4 1.4 3.3 2.9 2.0 3.9 2.9 1.9 3.9 0.780 0.118 0.653
 (Range 0–10) PATE 3.5 2.5 4.5 3.1 1.9 4.4 3.7 2.4 5.0
Refined grains PAT 5.8 4.8 6.9 4.5 3.4 5.6 5.3 4.2 6.5 0.054 0.104 0.554
 (Range 0–10) PATE 6.2 5.1 7.3 5.0 3.6 6.4 7.0 5.5 8.5
Empty calories PAT 10.5 8.8 12.2 10.7 9.0 12.5 12.2 10.4 14.1 0.759 0.450 0.519
 (Range 0–20) PATE 11.9 10.1 13.7 11.9 9.7 14.1 11.5 9.2 13.9
Total PAT 40.9 37.1 44.8 40.6 36.5 44.6 43.2 39.0 47.5 0.696 0.100 0.813
 (Range 0–100) PATE 45.6 41.5 49.7 43.9 38.9 49.0 45.1 39.7 50.5

GM gestational month; HEI-2010 Healthy Eating Index-2010; LSM least squares mean; CI confidence interval; Int interaction (time x arm); PAT Parents as Teachers control treatment; PATE Parents as Teachers Enhanced experimental treatment

aMissed dietary recall for 1 PATE participant

bExcluded dietary recall for 1 PATE participant (in hospital and consumed ice only)

cNegative lower limits are not feasible and were changed to 0