Figure 1. Four-colour flow cytometry evaluation of circulating endothelial cells (CECs) and CD146 expression.
A) Representative panel showing analysis gate used to exclude neutrophils, platelets, RBCs, and debris. B) Distinct CD31 bright population outside of the CD45 positive mononuclear cell population. C) CD31 bright identifies a distinct CD34 dim population. D) Overlay of the unstained control cell population (green) in the fluorescence minus one (FMO) APC control for CD34 APC vs CD45 V450. E) Mononuclear cell gate evaluated for CD146 staining shows a small percentage of CD45 positive, CD146 positive events. F) Overlay of the unstained control cell population (green) in the FMO PE control for CD146 PE vs CD45 V450. G) CEC gate evaluated for CD146 staining shows no CD146 staining. H) Overlay of the unstained control cell population (green) in the FMO PE control for CD146 PE vs CD34 APC.