Figure 1A–F. Kaplan–Meier curves of survival free of morbidity (Figure 1A), cancer (Figure 1B), cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Figure 1C), hypertension (HTN) (Figure 1D), osteoporosis (Figure 1E), and stroke (Figure 1F) in NECS referents (NECS.R, black line), LGP referents (LGP.R, green line), LGP centenarians (LGP.C, blue line), and NECS centenarians (NECS.C, red line).
Morbidity was defined as one or more of the following: cancer, CVD, diabetes, HTN, osteoporosis or stroke. CVD definition included angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, and/or myocardial infarction. Osteoporosis age of onset was based on the earliest diagnosis or reported hip, wrist, and/or vertebral fracture at age 50 and older. NECS = New England Centenarian Study; LGP = Longevity Genes Project. Left panels: females; right panels: males.